Archive for November, 2011

INDO – GERMAN Students exchange program: ENSA 2011

In the year 2009, October our German friends visited India. During that visit Arivu friends had brought the students from ASS, Nienburg. As continuation of that, this year 2011 the Indian team was invited by Arivu to Germany for an Exchange Program.

“CLIMATIC CHANGE” is the topic chosen for the exchange program. We started on – June 2011 from India and landed the Deutschland on — after 18 hours of travel. We had a very warm welcome by our Arivu friends right at the Airport itself. 10 students of AlbertSchweitzerSchule joined with us for exchange.

The first part was a seminar on Climatic change by ENSA. Ms. Anja Schuetze and Ms. Steffi Alles, the two resource persons of Ensa refreshed and filled our thought by their inputs in the workshop. Nienburg city visit, Forest visit, cultural exchange, exposure visit to clima house in Bremerhaven, meeting with the Nienburg Mayor and residing with the students in their homes are the unforgettable events during our exchange program.

Part of our visit, we also had a wonderful opportunity to visit Dr Johannes Mispagel and his home town Hildesheim. In Hildesheim we visited our first partner school to India JosephinumGymnasium.

On the way, we visited Wolfsburg the car city and performed our Dalit Art forms in the town centre of that city. Rev Fr Stephen Mispagel, the Son of Dr Johannes Mispagel had made all the arrangements there. He is serving as an assistant Parish priest in that Church. The peak event of our visit to Wolfsburg is the visit to the Autostadt in Wolfsburg car city.

On the whole it is a mile stone event in the life of our Indian students. Fr John Suresh and Ms Nandhini from India and the Arivu e.V from Nienburg, Germany are the main cause of this event. Here, we have some photos as the highlights of the trip:

Dalit cultural exchange and theatre performance with sputnik theatre group in the Theatre in Nienburg.

Mandala’s workshop. The Mandalas done along with our German friends are kept in the Indo-German Garden at the Albert-Schweitzer-Schule.

The full team of the workshop on Climatic Change. Ms. Anja Schuetze and Ms. Steffi Alles are the facilitators from ENSA who wonderfully led the team during those days.

This photo is a practical model done by one of our teams to show how the earth will drain by the melting of the ice due to Global warming.

The group with model of Germany to show the sea level will raise and cover the landside of the cost due to global warming.

Exchange team with the tourist guide during the sight seeing around Nienburg.

Meeting with Mayor of the Nienburg city. Ms Nandhini Krishnan, Fr John Suresh and the Mayor.

Our group in the market centre during visit on the special market day.

Cultural performance of our age old Dalit Art, Parai dance (a drum beating dance) in the town centre of Wolfsburg city.

Visit to Autostadt in Wolfsburg. Our group in the amazing old car exhibition.

Our visit to Josephinum Gymnasium, Hildesheim, our first partner school in Germany.

Dr Johannes Mispagel with Fr.John Suresh.

Fr. John Suresh and Ms. Nandhini with Dr. Johannes Mispagel.

Ms Nandhini Krishnan presenting a wall hang as our token of love to the director of Josephinum Gymnasium.

our team with all the team members of Sputnik after the performance.

Our team with Rev. Fr Stephen Mispagel and Dr Johannes Mispagel, in Autostadt, Wolfsburg

Our Indian team with Dr Johannes Mispagel and Mrs. Barbara Mispagel during our stay in their house in Giesen, Hildesheim, Germany.

Nandhini Krishnan running in the stadium along with the city commissioner of Police, Nienburg. While inaugurating the charity run conducted by Albert-Schweitzer School.

Our Indian group with Arivu friends. Mrs. Regina Krug, Ms. Andrea Schulte, Mrs. Hilde Munk, and our friends from Hamburg Nina Horn and Susan after the charity in Nienburg.

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